Our priorities

Preventing female genital mutilation

Nearly 4,4 million girls a year are at risk of female genital mutilation.

Hämähäkkikasvin eli sagan lehtiä naisen käsissä

Sustainable income for women

Adapting to the climate crisis, creating opportunities for women

Our partners around the region

ISF works in all its projects in collaboration with local organizations and civil society. This way, we ensure that change moves from ivory towers directly to communities, and the local civil society gets an opportunity to strengthen.

Regions we work in

We currently work in three regions in Eastern Africa.

In past we've had projects in Uganda and Nicaragua too.

Projects, solutions and the way we work

In other words, how we actually do our work in practice.

Nainen käsittelemssä banaaninlehteä

Banane fiber project

Circular economy, income possibilties, and new business approach in Kisii.

Yhdeksän kenialaistyttöä vihreä-valkoisissa kouluasuissa pitää toisiaan kädestä selin kameraan

Alternative Rite of Passage Camps

A couple of hundred girls per year are protected from female genital mutilation at our ARP camps.

Vedenkeruuallas, johon johdetaan sadevedet kanavia pitkin

Climate crisis & adaptation

How we create sustainable jobs and livelihoods in areas afflicted by the climate crisis.

Kaksi kestokuukautissidettä kuvitettuna

Sanitary pads

Sexual health and entrepreneurship under the same project at a refugee camp in Somaliland.

Kyläkokoontuminen Kenian Kisiissä. Kuva: Sarah Waiswa

Changing attitudes

Change begins from within communities—and in this work, public and collective declarations are powerful.

Nainen on kumartunut kasvin puoleen.


The livelihoods of many women often break down due to a lack of funding. However, cooperatives and other microloan providers offer a solution to this problem.

Strategy and development programme

The goal of ISF's work is to improve the status of women in East Africa and to act as a bridge in both driving change and strengthening local civil society.

We focus on combating female genital mutilation and violence against women, as well as building sustainable livelihoods for women. Our work integrates these elements in our projects because their combined impact creates a more stable foundation for women's status.

Our work is guided by the foundation's strategy extending to 2030, our four-year development programs, and annual planning with partner organizations.

Preventing violence against women and girls


Promoting women's sustainable livelihoods


Lasting change in the role and rights of women and girls