Nainen kirjoittaa Female Genital Mutilation liitutaululle

International Solidarity Foundation

Aiming for a world where no woman suffers from violence, and no one lives in poverty.

ISF is a Finnish NGO founded in 1970 that promotes women’s rights in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somaliland.

We are experts in preventing female genital mutilation and promoting sustainable livelihood opportunities for women.

The majority of our funding comes from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, but we also receive support from the European Union.

Private donors are another cornerstone of our work: one-third of our funds come from individuals.

Our work is guided by our strategy and development cooperation programs Our mission is to build a world where women and girls are safe from violence and people have access to sustainable income.

We support development that strengthens democracy, equality and human rights internationally, and invite people in Finland to work towards building an equitable world.

Our work impacts the lives of over 85 000 people in over 100 communities. With over 50 years on Finnish development know-how, we are an experienced NGO that knows how to make a difference.

What we accomplished

183 000

people benefited from our work.

2 255

women entrepeneurs received support to improve their income and production.

137 %

growth in monthly income for Somali families who took part in our livelihood projects.

7 524

religious and local leaders and influencers learned about the harmful impact of FGM.

9 227

pupils learned about their rights.


girls took part in four ARP camps where they found refuge from the threat of FGM.

The way we do our work

Our added value is based on well-designed, focused and transparent programme activities. Our strength is our direct contact with beneficiaries and development challenges.

Our projects are based on the needs of the local communities and the people who benefit from them always take part in the process. Our principles include a long-term commitment and partnership with the beneficiaries.

Our project effectiveness is guaranteed by broad country-based knowledge, sustainable way of working, and allocation of responsibility to local partner organisations.

Theory of change

The empowerment of women and girls is at the heart of the theory of change. For us, empowerment is a process by which women expand their ability to make

  • strategic life choices,
  • enact their personal goals,
  • claim for their rights in the family and society at large,
  • and challenge rigid gender roles and gender power hierarchies.

But such does happen in vacuum nor by sole pin-point actions. This is why our work combines measures that work towards eradicting harmful measures such as female genital mutilation and gender-based violence and creating sustainable income possibilities for women.

Since true and lasting chance for women demands both avenues: better income, realized rights. In our work the complement each others. One might call it a nexus approach, we call it the most efficient way to make change happen.


Any questions? Need to ask something from our experts?

Finances and admistration

Our annual reports, financial statements and such in one place.

Open calls and vacancies

Want to work with us? Looking for consultancy possibilities or possible partnerships?


Our fifty and some years working towards better future.