Communities reject SGBV/FGM through attitude change and improved livelihoods
135 000 €
Carmale, Yufle and Dayaxa villages in Sanaag region and Burao IDPsin Togdheer region
4 280 (80 girls, 2800 women, 1400 men) of which 200 persons with disabilities (PwD)
23 600 (15 000 girls, 18 600 women)
SOYDAVO is a youth-based organization and has retained throughout its years of existence the identity of promoting youth empowerment. SOYDAVO is engaged in multi-sector activities such as education for vulnerable groups, economic development and livelihood support, protection of child and women’s rights, peace-building and reconciliation, psychosocial recovery and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities and culture and society cohesion promotions.
The project with ISF aims to address harmful practices and violence against women and girls through grassroots-level duty bearers (traditional and religious leaders) women’s self-help groups (SHG), parents and adolescent girls. The action intends to empower the community to take an active role and ownership of efforts to reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG), particularly FGM and partner violence, but also early marriage and non-partner sexual violence. It addresses the impunity surrounding VAWG by providing women knowledge on their legal and human rights and formal referral mechanisms and support services.
The project intends to build stronger and better collaborations between the regional government officials, village committees, and religious leaders. Also, it intends to establish a network of champions who will spearhead the spreading of messages and formation of girl clubs and community committees equipped with knowledge about the negative consequences of VAWG and rigid gender norms. Men and boys will be provided with opportunities to underscore the significant role they can play in the prevention of VAWG.
To build trust and address poverty that underlies many forms of VAWG, the project trains women in tailoring, young men in masonry and selected families in poultry farming. As part of the livelihood work, men are engaged in the dialogue on the role of women in income generation and joint decision-making of the family resources
SOYDAVO, in partnership with the Ministry of Religion (MORA), will train 80 religious and traditional leaders to publicly advocate for the abandonment of FGM. The training will also teach them how to apply victim-sensitive and statutory mechanisms to respond to cases of FGM and other forms of VAWG. This initiative aims to dispel the notion that FGM is a religious or western concept and instead promote the idea that it is a harmful practice that needs to be eradicated.
The project aims to spread awareness among women in the Erigavo Villages, including Yufle, Dayaha, Carmala, and Burao IDPs, with a total of 30 community-level sessions. Women groups and SHGs will volunteer to educate the community about FGM, with the help of five training sessions to increase their knowledge and skills.
SOYDAVO plans to provide training to established networks that work against FGM on community mobilization and awareness-raising. These networks will subsequently conduct two public dialogues and awareness-raising campaigns. Additionally, two workshops will be offered on handling VAWG cases, managing them effectively, and referring them appropriately at the community level. The workshops will aim to benefit VAWG Committees, women’s groups, and Civil Society Organizations.
SOYDAVO plans to conduct training sessions for targeted Girl Clubs to empower victims of FGM, educate girls about their bodily rights, and offer peer-to-peer counselling. In 2024, the Girl Clubs will organize two girl-led end-FGM campaigns. Separate training sessions on women and girls’ bodily integrity will be arranged for men and boys.
In 2024, the project will train 25 women in tailoring and provide them with sewing equipment. The project will also assist in product development, business planning, and marketing of reusable menstrual pads. Basic literacy and numeracy classes will be included in the business training program. Additionally, the project will train 30 women in poultry farming and provide them with hens and basic farming equipment. The project aims to improve hen production and distribution, as well as the selling of eggs and meat in Sanaag