Youth Volunteers for Development and Environment Conservation

Improving women’s livelihood opportunities in fishing industryin Berbera, Somaliland





Budget 2024

135 000 €


Berbera town in Sahil region

Direct beneficiaries


Final beneficiaries 2022-25


The project enhances the business activities of female fish traders in the newly opened Berbera fish market and promotes women’s employment in the local fishing industry by establishing cooperation with the fish factories and providing targeted vocational training. It supports development of the fish cold chain by investing in mechanization and training women in food safetyregulations and practices.

The project plan will be finalized by the end of 2023. Initially, the main development processes in 2024 are as follows:

  • The project will develop a mitigation plan to overcome possible challenges of unsustainable fishing and insufficient working conditions in the fish factories.
  • The project will organise female fish traders into a livelihood group or cooperative and build their capacities in business management, fish processing and food safety.
  • The project will identify technologies and companies that can help in the fish cold chain mechanization. The project will buy processing equipment for targeted women, if possible, including a cooling machinery.
  • The project will assess women’s safety and sanitation conditions in the market area and negotiate with the mayor’s office on the improvements needed.
  • The project will initiate negotiations with fish factories on internship placement and/or employment of young women/beneficiaries.
  • YOVENCO Technical and Vocational Training Institute will start trainings to young women in fish vending, fish processing technology, net making, and food safety regulations/certifications.