Muungano Gender Forum is a multisectoral platform for promoting women’s rights in Kisii and Nyamira counties. The project is implemented by International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) since 2018, and the current 4-year project phase lasts till end-2025. The project organizes grassroots discussion forums to address gender equality and cooperates with County Governments to enhance coordination among state and non-state actors in effectively addressing gender inequality and social exclusion of women.
ISF is now seeking a Project Manager to lead the planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the project, and to supervise the project team consisting of a Communications Coordinator and a Finance Officer.
Apply latest on March, 10, 2024. More information and instructions on how to apply in LAURA system.
More information on the project here.
Our mission is to create a world where no woman suffers from violence or is forced to live a life of poverty. Join along!
17.01.2025 Zuhur Abdi Jama
05.12.2024 Lotta Haavisto