The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is launching a call for a new women-led local partner in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, to implement a project on the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), particularly female genital mutilation (FGM) in the Degahbour woreda.
The ISF is a Finnish development organization, founded in 1970. ISF development programme 2022-25 aims to prevent harmful practices and violence against women and girls (VAWG) and improve women’s livelihood resilience in Kenya, Somaliland and the Somali region in Ethiopia.
ISF’s operating model is based on partner-led development projects. ISF’s partners are diverse actors, including member-based private sector actors (e.g. cooperatives), local NGOs, community-based organizations and networks/umbrella organizations. Partners can also be educational/research institutions, religious entities and/or multi-stakeholder consortiums.
Take a look into ISF’s development programme 2022-25 >>
Partners are responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the projects that should align with both the ISF programme and partners’ own programme and organizational strategy. As a partner, you will collaborate with other local actors and organizations within the ISF network. We value cooperation and learning, offering training and networking opportunities to strengthen your organization’s capacity and impact.
In the Somali region of Ethiopia, ISF is currently partnering with three local organizations. Two of them are based in Harawa woreda and focus on livelihood promotion and VAWG prevention. The third organization operates in Degahbour woreda, primarily focusing on livelihood promotion. To complement these efforts, ISF is now seeking a fourth partner to implement a project focused on VAWG prevention in Degahbour, with a particular emphasis on FGM and other forms of VAWG, especially those that occur as a backlash when women expand their roles in economic activities.
Selected partners must be registered and have operated in Ethiopia for at least two years. In addition to being women-led, the applicant organization should have a firm zero-tolerance policy on FGM, and preferably experience in participatory methods for community engagement and willingness to lead grassroots-level initiatives.
The project idea should be presented for five years (2025–28) with a maximum budget of 100,000 euros per year. This is an indicative budget, provided only to facilitate the preparation of a concept note. The final budget will be agreed during a 3-4 months long planning phase (starting earliest on October 2024) and can vary from the indicative amount.
Interested organizations should submit a Concept Note by 3rd of September 2024 through a Microsoft Forms template. We recommend that you prepare the Concept Note in a Microsoft Word format before filling in the Forms template, as there is no opportunity to save drafts in the system. The questions are available here in PDF format. Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
In addition, the following documents should be sent by email to by 3rd of September 2024, with the title: “ISF partner selection/SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS”. Name the attached documents clearly, including name of the organization and document content.
Questions regarding the call can be sent by email to by 27th August 2024, with the title: “ISF Partner Selection QUESTIONS”.
ISF will pre-select partners and inform the outcome of the preselection to all applicants by 13th September 2024.
22.05.2024 Heidi Suotsalo
08.05.2024 Lotta Haavisto