International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) has operated in Somaliland since 2000 to promote women’s rights, focusing particularly on the prevention of female genital mutilation (FGM) and promotion of women’s rights and livelihoods. In 2020-2022, ISF and two local implementing partners, Network Against FGC in Somaliland (NAFIS) and Candlelight for Environment, Education and Health has implemented a Community Driven FGM/C Abandonment and Women Empowerment in Somaliland project funded by UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (UNTF EVAW).
The project has been implemented in all regions of Somaliland, focusing in rural and IDP communities in Toghdeer, Sahil, Awdal and Maroodi-Jeeh regions. The overall goal of the project is that girls avoid FGM, and IDP women engaged in self-help groups are empowered to claim for their right to bodily integrity. The expected outcomes are:
ISF now seeks a consultant team to conduct a final evaluation to assess the effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the project, as well as the cross-cutting objectives on gender equality and human rights. The starting date is latest November 21st, 2022, lasting till end of February, 2023.
The Evaluation Team should consist of one national or international consultant (Senior Evaluator), one national Evaluation Field Manager, local enumerators (and a report editor if needed). Evaluator(s) must be independent from any organizations that have been involved in designing, executing, managing or advising any aspect of the project. Preference will be given to women-led consultant teams, and teams with female enumerators.
Terms of Reference including evaluation questions and criteria, proposed evaluation design and methodology, evaluation team requirements, key deliverables and timelines
How to apply
The proposals must be submitted no later than October 30, 2022, to ISF Somaliland office with the title UNTF final evaluation. ISF will choose the consultant according to the professional capacity of the consultant(s), the quality of the proposal, and the cost. Requested information:
17.01.2025 Zuhur Abdi Jama
05.12.2024 Lotta Haavisto
27.11.2024 Tuulia Perttula