
Call for proposals: Financial support to Third Parties in Kisii and Nyamira Counties: Call for Local Actors (CLA)

In brief

Publication Date: Friday, February 07, 2025 

Funder (Prime Funder): The European Union 

Implementing organization: International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) 

Announcement Type: Subsequent 

Call Number: CLA – 003 

Application submission deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025, 11:59 pm, East African Time

Happening next:

Join our Information Session on Teams on Friday, February 21, 2025, at 10:00 am.
Use this link to participate in the session.

Project overview 

The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is a Finnish development organization, founded in 1970. ISF envisions a world where women and girls are empowered to build their own future, their self-determination is fully realized, and their right to bodily integrity is respected.

The goal of ISF’s 2022–2025 programme is to strengthen the bodily integrity and livelihood resilience of women and girls in Kenya, Somaliland, and Ethiopia. The programme primarily consists of long-term projects that are implemented by local partners: civil society actors such as NGOs, community-based organizations, and women’s own businesses. 

Since June 2023, ISF has implemented a Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) scheme within a Grassroots Initiative project in Kisii and Nyamira counties in Kenya. The project supports a dynamic grassroots movement against gender-based violence (GBV) through tailored prevention strategies, collaborative engagements, peer learning and mentorship, and financial support for local stakeholders. The FSTP scheme is designed to run for three consecutive rounds of sub-granting (each running for three months only), with this CLA being the final round.

Eligibility Criteria

Who can apply?

  • Civil Society Organisations (CSOs): non-governmental, non-profit, and voluntary organizations that operate independently from the government and commercial sectors; established to address various social, cultural, environmental, and humanitarian issues.
  • Community-Based Organisations (CBOs): entities that operate within specific geographical communities and are primarily focused on addressing those communities’ unique needs and concerns.
  • Grassroots Movements are small, locally based groups that focus on addressing specific issues or concerns within a community and emphasize the importance of community engagement, participatory decision-making, and direct action; often initiated and led by individuals or community members who are directly affected by the issues they aim to address.

To be considered for funding, groups and organizations will need to submit the following:

  • Fully completed application form in pdf format
  • The budget proposal using the budget template in Excel (xlsx) format (the initial activity plans and budgets are subject to review during the capacity-building period)
  • Proof of registration (where applicable)
  • Bank statements for at least 6 months (where applicable)
  • Proof of track record, highlighting experience within the proposed focus area. This can be a reference letter from a trusted person familiar with your work (e.g., submission of the Community Activity Programs Reporting, previous project reports, county govt, chief, local religious/community leader or a funder).

Support offered through the call 

The ISF will provide funding for groups and organizations with innovative ideas, preferably demonstrating a track record of at least 12 months of implementing similar or related activities within the following categories, focusing on addressing gender-based violence (GBV). Groups that work with vulnerable communities (for example: the youth, persons with disabilities, the elderly, minority or marginalized groups, LGBTQI+ communities etc.) are encouraged to apply. GBV-focused projects should fall under one of the following categories:

  1. Prevention: efforts aim to stop or reduce the occurrence of gender-based violence by addressing root causes and societal norms contributing to such violence. For example, promoting community dialogues and empowering girls and women to make informed choices about their bodies.
  2. Response: support to individuals who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing gender-based violence, ensuring their safety, well-being, and access to necessary services.
  3. Access to Justice: efforts to enhance survivors’ ability to seek legal remedies and protection, addressing barriers that might prevent them from doing so.

For this Call, the proposed action should focus on any of the categories listed above, and include any of the indicative, but not exhaustive activities listed below (applicants can also suggest other relevant activities):

  • Local campaigns
  • Advocacy and lobbying
  • Legal protection, counselling services, and social support
  • Support for people and groups that are exposed to discrimination.
  • Cultural and youth events
  • Visibility and communication/outreach activities
  • Creation of digital solutions, mobile applications, web portals etc.
  • Access to information and public debate
  • Participation in the development of local policies, initiatives, and action plans
  • Social entrepreneurship initiatives
  • Local media reporting
  • Others

Funding Details

Successful applicants will receive grants ranging from KES 300,000 to KES 600,000 to implement their proposed actions. All costs incurred during implementation within the outlined categories and guidelines are eligible. Ineligible costs include capital expenditures, in-kind contributions, political sponsorships, and one-off conferences.

Submission Details

Applications should be written in English and submitted by email to isfkenya@isf.fi.

The subject line must include the words “ISF Call for Local Actors – CLA 003”, and the above-listed documents must be included as attachments to be considered successfully submitted.

Applications must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2025, 11:59 pm EAT. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Due to the high number of anticipated applications, ISF may not provide feedback to each unsuccessful applicant.


  • Publication Date:  February 7, 2025
  • Deadline for Questions: February 20, 2025, by 5:00 pm
  • Information Session: February 21, 2025, at 10:00 am (online)
  • Application Deadline: February 28, 2025, at 11:59 pm
  • Award Notification (Tentative): March 14, 2025

For additional information, refer to the FAQ document. Further inquiries can be emailed to: isfkenya@isf.fi  with the subject line: “ISF CALL FOR LOCAL ACTORS_QUESTIONS”.

We look forward to your applications and to supporting impactful actions in Kisii and Nyamira counties.

Timeline and Duration

Call for applications released February 7, 2025
Deadline for questions/clarifications February 20, 2025, by 5:00 pm
Information session February 21, 2025, at 10:00 am (online)
Deadline for applicationsFebruary 28, 2025, at 11:59 pm
Award notification (Tentative)March 14, 2025


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is eligible to apply for an FSTP grant?

ISF will accept applications from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) – including Community-Based Organizations, Faith-Based Organizations, and Grassroots movements, with specialized knowledge, expertise, and a track record of working on defending and advocating for women’s rights and the elimination of violence against women and girls thus ensuring freedom from all forms of gender-based violence against women, girls, men and boys, in Kisii and Nyamira counties.

 More definitions are outlined below: 

  • Civil Society Organisations (CSOs): non-governmental, non-profit, and voluntary organizations that operate independently from the government and commercial sectors; established to address various social, cultural, environmental, and humanitarian issues.
  • Grassroots Movements: small, locally based groups that focus on addressing specific issues or concerns within a community and emphasize the importance of community engagement, participatory decision-making, and direct action; often initiated and led by individuals or community members who are directly affected by the issues they aim to address.
  • Community-based organisations (CBOs): entities that operate within specific geographical communities and are primarily focused on addressing the unique needs and concerns of those communities.
Can local organizations outside Kisii and Nyamira counties apply?

YES – But can only undertake the proposed actions in Kisii and Nyamira counties.

Must the implementing organization be based or have an office (extension) within the project implementation area, or can it have a field office as well?

The typical requirement is for the implementing organization to be based within the regions where the action will be carried out, namely Kisii and Nyamira for ease of implementation of proposed actions. However, innovative proposals originating from outside these counties but aligned with the call objectives are encouraged to apply.

Are International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) eligible? 


Can several organizations apply together? 

YES. Organizations may work with relevant co-and implementing partners to complement their expertise, and outreach capacity and build the capacities of grassroots organizations.  

Do we need to be a legally registered entity/organization to apply? 

ISF considers working with registered organizations, however, informal or unregistered groups furthering actions in GBV within Kisii and Nyamira are encouraged to apply.

Can an eligible organization submit more than one application? 


Can this call for proposal also support funding an existing initiative on GBV or is it a fresh call based on the call for proposal description?

The call for proposal supports both existing GBV initiatives and new innovative approaches/ ideas on combating GBV. The scalability of the proposed ideas is key.

What are the other mandatory requirements? 
  • The full eligibility checklist with mandatory requirements can be found above on this website and the Call document.
  • Applicants should also have expertise and experience in implementing actions in GBV over the past 12 months. In exceptional circumstances (e.g., for new organizations that have been in existence for less time) a lesser period may be accepted if the proposal meets innovative criteria.
Can an organization that has received a grant from ISF submit a new proposal in the next funding cycle? 


  • An organization that will receive a grant can apply as long as the previous action funded by ISF is operationally and financially completed as per obligations in the grant agreement. 
  • If the new proposal builds on the past work funded by ISF, the organization is encouraged to showcase how the proposed action intends to scale, respond to lessons learnt and impact. 
How can I apply? 

Applications must be submitted by email to isfkenya@isf.fi. The subject line must include the words “ISF Call for Local Actors – CLA 003”.

Where can I find information about the Call for Proposals? 

  • The Call for Proposals is published on the ISF’s website.
What language can I submit my application in? 

Applications may be submitted in English. 

What is the process for appraising and shortlisting applications? 

ISF will follow internal selection criteria for this process.

Is there any preference for applications that focus on a specific category (Prevention, Response, Access to Justice) within GBV, or are all categories equally considered?

All categories are considered equally.

Are collaborations between more than one eligible organization allowed? If so, how should they approach the application process? Should they all submit the accompanying documentation?

No. Collaborations are not allowed for this call.

Could you share more information about the criteria for evaluating applications and selecting successful applicants?

The selection and evaluation of applications will be conducted based on the eligibility criteria set in the call guidelines. ISF aims to do it transparently and independently by a designated committee to ensure fairness and impartiality.

If my application was not successful, can I receive feedback on how to improve it? 

Due to the high volume of applications, ISF may not be able to provide feedback to all unsuccessful applicants. 

How are unsuccessful applicants informed? 

ISF informs applicants of their status via email. The email is sent to the email addresses provided by applicants in the online application. Please make sure you provide an email address that will remain valid and operational for at least a year when entering your contact information. 

How will applicants be notified that their applications have been successfully received? Is there an acknowledgement or confirmation process?

Applicants will be notified of the successful applications through acknowledgement emails. The call for proposals specifies the communication process and timeline.

Is there a recommended range for funding requests? 


  • All eligible organizations can apply for a grant amount between KES 300,000 and KES 600,000.
  • Organizations should consider their own operational and absorptive capacity when submitting a funding request.   
Must applicants contribute to the project budget? 

NO. While all applicants – whenever possible – are encouraged to make financial and/or in-kind contributions, it is not a requirement to do so. 

What costs are covered by the FSTP grant? 

All costs incurred during the implementation period relating to any of the outlined action categories and indicative activities as per the Call document guidelines are eligible.

What costs are NOT covered by the FSTP grant? 

Under the FSTP project, ISF will NOT fund (but not limited to) the following: 

  • Debts and debt service charges (interest);
  • Provisions for losses or potential future liabilities.
  • Actions that consist exclusively or primarily of capital expenditure and infrastructure expenditure, e.g., land, buildings, and vehicles.
  • Equipment not directly utilized for the action,
  • In-kind contributions (except for volunteer work).
  • Salary costs of the personnel.
  • Bonuses included in the costs of staff.
  • Negative interest charged by banks or other financial institutions.  
  • Actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses.
  • Actions concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses.
  • Actions supporting political parties or related foundations.
  • Actions concerning one-off conferences. Conferences may be funded only if they form part of a wider range of activities to be implemented in the action timeframe.
Could you elaborate on what “in-kind contributions (except for volunteer work)” mean in relation to ineligible costs?

In-kind contributions generally refer to non-cash resources contributed to the project. Volunteer work is an exception as it represents a specific form of in-kind contribution noted as allowable.

Regarding the eligible costs for the proposed activities, I noticed that the salary costs of personnel are mentioned as ineligible. Could you please provide more context or rationale behind this restriction? Understanding this better will help us align our proposed budget and activities accordingly.

The restriction on including salary costs of personnel as eligible costs is due to resource constraints and specific funding agency guidelines. Organizations may need to seek other sources of funding for personnel costs.

Is creating additional budget category lines permissible in the template? 


  • The existing budget lines should be used to detail all costs relevant to the satisfactory completion of the project. 
  • Applicants should not add any budget categories but are encouraged to add as many activities as possible to their budgets to fit the proposed actions they wish to undertake.
On the budget template, there are these filled tables, are they subject to change or not?

Budget templates are typically provided as a framework to guide applicants. These can be filled to adapt to your needs as long as the format does not change.

Will there be flexibility in program implementation duration and flexibility on budget lines?

Actions identified by the grantees are to be performed within the proposed action period. However, due to circumstances communicated and agreed upon between ISF and grantees, action implementation can be reviewed, not more than 1 month after the project period.

For the budget, will indirect administrative costs be allowed and if so, what percentage of the total grant amount?

The allowance for indirect administrative costs is allowed up to 7% of the total direct costs.

If I am pre-selected, can a budget submitted with the application be changed when developing the final budget in the capacity-building sessions? 

YES. The budget submitted with the application represents the total funds available and allocated for the detailed action proposal. However, budget lines may be modified as long as the budget is in line with the approved action strategies.  

Can I make changes to my application after I have submitted it? 

NO. It is not possible to make changes to the submitted application. Kindly ensure that the application is complete and to the applicant’s expectations before submission.

What if I only have my documents (project reports, reference letters, bank statements, etc.) in hard copies, not on a computer? 
  • Please scan all your documents and upload them as PDFs. 
  • No mailed documents will be accepted. 
I am trying to upload a file but am having problems. What should I do? 
  • Your files cannot exceed 50 MB in size. 
  • If your file is larger than 50 MB, please split it into two parts and upload them separately.