The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is a Finnish developmentorganization, founded in 1970. This document describes ISF’s 2022-2025Development Programme for promoting women’s livelihood resilienceand bodily integrity in East Africa. The programme is designed toaddress gendered constraints to bodily integrity and women’s liveli-hoods in Kenya, Somaliland, Puntland, and Ethiopia. It thus respondsto pressing challenges at a time when equality and women’s status areat risk of deteriorating in many parts of the world.
Ethiopia and the Puntland State of Somalia are new programme areasfor ISF while the work in Kenya and Somaliland continues from thecurrent programme. By focusing on East Africa, ISF seeks synergiesbetween programme countries, including a deeper understanding ofthe region, closer relations with local and regional actors, and cost-effi-ciency benefits. The pool of countries also emphasizes least developedcountries and fragile contexts more than previous programmes.
This programme builds on past achievements and lessons learned. Ithas been prepared in an inclusive and participatory manner that firstincluded the development of a theory of change and then the prepa-ration of country-specific plans. Based on the country plans, best-fitpartners were then identified to implement the programme.
17.01.2025 Zuhur Abdi Jama