The overarching objective of the forum is to bring both state and non-state actors to discuss and share information on progress, key issues and challenges in relation to gender inequality in a wide range of sectors; and most importantly to collectively identify actions, strategy and investment to accelerate the attainment of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Kisii and Nyamira.
Specifically, Muungano Gender Forum is intended to bring gender issues to the forefront of policy agenda, debates and interests of all concerned stakeholders through:
- Creating an enabling environment for safe and regular dialogue platform that is free from gender-bias to discuss the special needs of women in Kisii and Nyamira counties;
- Gathering evidence-based information and challenges faced by Kisii and Nyamira women in different sectors;
- Promoting diversity, awareness raising, and advocacy on the important roles of women and targeted gender interventions in bringing about progress towards national development goals;
- Strengthening networking and partnership among key stakeholders to promote gender equality in the target counties; and
- Documentation of actions and strategies by the steering committee that will result in quick win and impact for women on the ground and strategically support the efforts of all concerned stakeholders in achieving the post-2015 development agenda on gender equality and women empowerment.
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The Muungano Gender Forum is undertaken in a series of weekly grassroot sessions in four ISF partner locations Kemera, Kegogi, Nyamira North and Tingá. The structure of the forum will include presentations, plenary sessions and parallel working groups to address specific issues. Sufficient time will be allocated for the analytical dialogue and identification of specific recommendations on how to address the challenges by the steering committee as the participants will continue with conservations.
Each forum will be dedicated to specific gender issue that will be identified by the MGF Steering Committee and aligned with the gender priorities stipulated in the SDGs, Kenya Vision 2030 and County Integrated Development Plan.
The launch of the Muungano Gender Forum was carried in 2018.
Targeted audiences
The target audiences of the forum include ISF partner beneficiaries, local administrators, civil society, civil leaders as well as religious leaders, duty bearers, law and policy makers, academic entities and government representatives. The forum also aims to reach and bring together media representatives, students, and community memebers. Numbers and natures of target audiences, moderators and panelists for each forum will vary and depend on the topic and location of the forum.
For more information, please contact Mary Momanyi mary.momanyi(at)