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International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is committed to ensuring a safe and ethical working environment for its staff, and to doing no harm to its development programme target communities and participants.  

To support this goal, ISF has four specific policies: Policy against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, Policy against Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Child Protection Policy and Policy against Fraud. These policies describe how ISF prevents and responds to respective forms of misconduct and ensure that all ISF and partner staff are informed and aware of their responsibilities in preventing such misconduct. 

This complaint mechanism primarily serves ISF programme participants in the target communities, enabling them to confidentially report any misconduct or harm caused by ISF, ISF’s partner organizations, consultants and/or other participants involved in ISF supported projects. The mechanism is NOT meant for reporting crimes or misconduct caused by other community members beyond the project implementation. 

Both reporting channels below are designed to ensure the complainant’s identity is protected and reports are handled with complete confidentiality. Complaints can be sent anonymously. Nevertheless, ISF encourages providing contact information as anonymous allegations are often difficult to pursue and may not fully address the complainant’s concerns. ISF protects complainants from reprisals, victimization, or disciplinary action, regardless of whether the allegations are subsequently proven.

Online reporting form/webpage 

Please fill in and submit the form below. Your complaint will be received by a Complaint Handling Committee at the ISF Headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. All reports are managed transparently but with the highest level of confidentiality. Upon receiving a report, the Committee conducts an initial review to determine its validity and seriousness, leading to a formal investigation if necessary. 

Alternatively: Confidential email 

If for any reason you cannot fill the form above, pls send your complaint to a confidential email ( Provide the following information in the email: 

  • Name, email, phone number (optional)
  • What occurred? Please provide a full description of the events, with relevant details.  
  • When did the event occur? Please state the date, time, and other identifying information.  
  • Where did it occur? Clearly identify the location or event where you believe the misconduct or sanctionable practices have occurred. Include details such as country, county, region, office, ward, and village as applicable.  
  • Who are the individuals and/or entities involved? Please provide names and details of the persons or organizations who are involved, implicated, or you believe know about the alleged misconduct.  
  • How does it apply to ISF? Explain how the allegation relates to ISF operations, projects, or affiliate entities. 
  • Supporting information? Are there any documents, eyewitnesses etc. as additional evidence? Please provide as text or attachment 

The handling procedure is identical with the form option above.