Wellbeing of NNWS women farmers is improved
2022-25 (cooperation started in 2020)
74 889 €
Itibo, Ekerenyo and Magwagwa wards in Nyamira County
450 (350 women and 100 men) of which 40 persons with disabilities (PwD)
8 100 (3 000 girls, 1 500 women, 3 000 boys, 600 men)
Nyamira North Women Savings and Credits Cooperative (NNWS) is a female-owned organization founded in 2014. It offers savings and credit facilities to its members and implements livelihood projects in various agricultural value chains.
The project with ISF improves NNWS’s operational and commercial capacity and its members’ knowledge, skills and networks in selected value chains. The project builds collaboration with experts and other businesses for value addition and improves women’s access to livelihood resources such as land, water, technology and finance.
The project includes activities to reduce violence against women and girls. The community dialogues organized by the Muungano Gender Forum will complement these activities. Also, the project improves NNWS’s policies to enhance the opportunities for disabled people to benefit from the cooperative’s services.