The prevalence of violence against women and girls in Nyamira and Kisii is reduced
2022-25 (launched in 2018)
100 159 €
Kisii and Nyamira counties
8 240 (220 girls, 220 boys, 5 000 women, 2 800 men) of which 300 persons with disabilities (PwD)
18 000 (10 000 girls, 8 000 women)
Muungano Gender Forum (Muungano meaning ‘together’) is a multisectoral platform for discussing women’s rights in Kisii and Nyamira counties. When launched in 2018, the project organized monthly duty bearer sessions in Kisii town. In 2021, Muungano expanded into rural communities and among rights holders. In 2022-25, the two main components remain and complement each other and the partner-led projects in the 11 rural locations where the partners operate. There is regular cooperation with Kisii and Nyamira County Governments to coordinate civil society organizations’ efforts to fulfil women’s rights.